Monday, February 28, 2011


I am actually so excited for this year and what it brings. Especially tomorrow. Tomorrow is the start of Autumn which for most people hate seeing as summer is over. But not me.
No i am fully syked for what Autumn will bring. It will bring me easter and along with easter ia mixed in with my cousin and right-hand-man,  Isabella coming up for a visit seeing as its the holidays. Also this year i am going to the bluesfest with Scarlet and Bella. For those who dont know me personally I have braces.. i know what your thinking..
grooss yuck!! she has braces!! quick lets get off her blog ASAP!!!!
But fortunately for you i am getting them taken off on the 19th of April which i am looking forward to seeing as i was ment to get  my braces off LAST DECEMBER!!!!!!
Autumn also brings me my birthday in Early May. Now that summer is over the soccer season is going to start up again which is loads of fun and i have tricked  my friends Scarlet and Indi into joining my team this year instead of being lazy bumms.
Pretty dece Autumn, dont let the rain and wind get you down!
Look to the brighter side of life. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Recently I have taken it on myself to get a job somewhere nearby,  I have handed out my resume into tonnes of shops asking if I could get a job there. However now that summer is coming to an end most of the shops in Byron have just gotten rid of all of their Summer staff and are in no need for them to hire someone new like me. It gets very frustrating after a while with no success.
I will still try to get a job somewhere if they need me, till then i will just have to scab money off my parents.

If only there would be such thing as a money tree.
No one would be poor, no one would be rich
and the world could just relax.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

dear johnny,

QUESTION:     What does Chocolat and pirates have in common?



One of the strangest actors of our time but I love all the movies he is in.
He plays the strangest characters

I especially love this picture from him in the 80s

Monday, February 21, 2011


To most people this title would make them think of a savoury biscuit that us Australians love having Vegemite on, but to me SAO reefers to a really good friend of mine: Scarlet Anderson-Ode!
She is my brightness to my day. 

I love finding pictures on the internet that remind me of friends 
or other people i know. The one above me is one for 
Scarlet; blond, petite, amazing floral dresses.

Only thing different is the girl in this picture has her hair up, 
Scarlet hates wearing her hair up.
But pfft.
Details, details, details....

Thursday, February 17, 2011


-Best word, 
no exceptions!

Recently came across an amazing tumblr account called the 'Audrey Hepburn Complex' (link below). It has some amazing links to photos (some pictured above) movies and more.
I suggest you check it out it is absolutely amazing!  I adore every one of the photos on it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

12th Feb,

So far in the past week of school and other shenanigans, a few of my friends decided that they  would organise a day trip to go to Ballina and go bowling. They are so crazy,  I love them to pieces.

~This is a drawing off a tv show called one tree hill,
it is absolutely amazing. My friend introduced me to it and all i wonder
is how i got along without it all these years

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well I haven't been back at school more than three days and i already want another set of holidays!!
I am in year 9 this year, and we get to choose our electives I have ended up with drama, art and music :)
Tomorrow we have our school swimming carnival and because our school is really close to cape byron, all of our houses are named after the local beaches.
There is Tallows (red), Wategoes (blue), Pass (black and white), and Dolphins (yellow)
My house is Tallows and due to my lack of red clothing i have decided to include a few red photos in this post.