Wednesday, April 20, 2011

you tub'd

-This song is so easy to get stuck in your head so dont play it to many times :)

-After you watch this it is hard to take Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows seriously

-These guys are geniuses no joke they are my heros,
it's kind of sad that i can song this whole song when it changes every sentence.


-Went and saw this movie the other day with my cousin and friend, 
so good :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

spontaneous actions

It is so funny when you think about it, you could have done one thing different and the odds would be completely different. For example last I played my first soccer game for this season, and for the first time after playing for four years I scored a goal. The reason being I usually play defence. Anyway I could have been standing one step either way, I could have ran to it, my friend might not have wanted to swap places on the field last minute and I might not have had enough adrenaline in my veins to just kick it without thinking. It all mattered and turned into something amazing though.

So it all must matter, where you sit in a certain class, what you say to people, weather or not you decide to walk home rather than catch the bus as usual, it all matters. Don't slip into boring routines and don't be shy because you might meet someone really amazing.

So if you are reading this on the slight chance you like my blog (not counting you Scarlet or Georgia) once a day talk to someone you wouldn't normally talk to, be adventurous or do something completely random, it doesn't matter be creative and be spontaneous!

Monday, April 4, 2011